Trauma-Informed Executive Leadership Coaching

Notes For The Journey


Daniel Hall leadership development story from childhood trauma to mentoring foster parents

Leaders Rising: Daniel Hall

A self-described reluctant leader, Daniel Hall has shied away from leadership positions for much of his career. Early experiences of childhood trauma eroded his sense of self-worth and safety in connecting to others and he responded by forming a protective and competitive shell around himself.

Most every memory that Daniel can recall from his early childhood is of abuse.

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Retired Colonel Michelle Mitchel leadership development journey from childhood poverty towards seeking gender and racial equality.

Leaders Rising: Michelle Mitchell

Growing up, Michelle Mitchell often felt she was living in the shadow of her older siblings. The youngest of seven, “It was a full house,” Michelle remembers, even before her mom adopted her two first cousins, bringing the total number of children to nine. “My older sisters were very, very smart,” she recalls. “When I was in high school, they were always in the school newspaper… they could sing, they were in school plays, they lettered in sports—they could do everything.” Michelle’s family, led by a single mother, was marked by inspiringly strong and resilient women. And while Michelle aspired to outshine her sisters’ talents, she often felt like her own gifts would never live up to theirs.

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Amy Childers explores leadership development journey through generational trauma and discovery of genetic predisposition to breast cancer.

Leaders Rising: Amy Childers

When Amy Childers enrolled in the art school as a recent high school grad, her family wondered “What the hell is she going to do with her life?”

Riding a wild child streak in her youth, she often found herself in trouble, mixing with what others might deem the wrong crowd. Artistic and athletic, Amy was more interested in activities like diving, cheerleading, and gymnastics than academic pursuits. Over time she found herself most connected with other creatives who embodied her sense of adventure. This contrasted—sharply at times—with the values of her Jewish immigrant heritage.

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CEO Daryl Boffman shares his leadership journey through poverty and racial discrimination

Leaders Rising: Daryl Boffman

With the television blaring, ten-year-old Daryl Boffman wedged between his sisters on the couch to eat his Thanksgiving dinner… a warm bowl of grits. As his mom sat down to join them, she began to openly pray over her bowl. With each outwardly expressive word of praise to God for this meager meal, Daryl’s inner confusion began to rise. “I grew up in a family of poverty, in the ghettos of…

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Sue Hough, President Octavo Designs impacts of childhood bullying on leadership

Leaders Rising: Sue Hough

One of the truest gifts in Sue Hough’s life has been family, in all its many forms. Born in Seoul, Korea, Sue was abandoned as a baby. “My adoption form said I was given up because I had “double lids” which signified that I wasn’t full-blooded Korean. This meant my only future in Korea would have been as a prostitute.”Sue’s fortune shifted at the age of three. “I was very lucky to be adopted by a loving and supportive family that had two kids of their own… Growing up in the Midwest, however, she experienced few children of…

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